
Dentist accreditation and qualification in Belgium

There are around eight and a half thousand dentists in Belgium, with three different dental associations to cater for the language differences across the country. Similarly, there are five dental schools, three speaking French, the remaining two speaking Flemish.

The training in all schools is 5 years, leading to the qualification of Tandarts from Flemish speaking schools and Licencie en sciences dentaires form French speaking schools. Graduates must undergo supervised vocational training after graduation.

Compulsory continuing education covers all aspects of the profession, including general medicine, radiology, prevention, practice management, conservative dentistry, orthodontics and prosthodontics, with a total of 60 hours required over 6 years.

Specialist dental qualifications include:

  • Algemeen Tandarts / Dentiste Généraliste
  • Tandarts specialist in de Orthodontie / Dentiste Spécialiste en orthodontie
  • Tandarts Specialist in de Parodontologie / Dentiste Spécialiste en Parodontologie.

Specialist training takes place at the universities and takes between one and four years.

A masters degree in Oral maxillo-facial surgery requires 6 years basic training and qualification in medicine, two year further dental training and then specialised

training in oral maxillo-facial surgery for a further 4 years.

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