
Infertility treatment abroad : Patient stories

If you are considering  infertility treatment abroad, then why not find out about other people's experiences of treatment overseas. These patient stories supplied by our featured hospitals and clinics provide examples of the kind of infertility treatment and treatment for which UK patients have gone abroad.

They are real stories of real people. Each story provides an indication of how much the treatment would have cost in the UK, and what was paid for infertility treatment abroad.

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Kayla and Nolan managed to become parents thanks to Institut Marques In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)
9 years after finding out they were infertile, Kayla and Nolan managed to become parents thanks to the Embryo Adoption programme of Institut Marquès.

"A couple decides to choose EmbryoClinic for IVF to great success" In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)
After 10 failed IVF therapies and several gynaecological operations, S.(46) and G.(45) are expecting their baby in January!

"This Clinic is a hidden gem!" Egg Donation
Despite meeting her significant other later on in life, 49-year-old Sibilla from Sweden is now the mother of a beautiful baby boy following egg donation treatment at Clinic EGV in Latvia.

Micro TESE and egg donation in Latvia Surgical sperm retrieval (PESA; TESA; MESA)
Peter’s story of fertility treatment at Clinic EGV in Latvia shows that even couples with the most challenging medical history should not give up hope of being parents.

“Still can’t believe this miracle” Egg Donation
54-year-old Maybritte from Finland’s dreams of becoming a mother came true at Clinic EGV in Latvia.

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