

Micro-TESE: hope for male-factor infertility

Clinic EGV, a leading reproductive health and infertility clinic in Riga, Latvia, looks at how the advanced surgical procedure, Micro-TESE, offers men who have no sperm present in their semen (azoospermia) the opportunity to become fathers.

Sperm quality is decreasing

The latest results from a study on sperm quality carried out by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology shows that sperm quality in Europe has decreased by half in the last 40 years. This means that in order to plan a family, more couples nowadays need assistance from andrology and reproduction specialists.

Until recently, men who wanted to become fathers, but found that they had no sperm in their semen, faced a situation with no obvious solution. The TESA (testicular sperm aspiration) procedure has been used in fertility treatment in the past, but is not always effective and can be detrimental to the man’s health.

With a centre dedicated to andrology and men’s health, Clinic EGV in Riga is able to provide Micro-dissection testicular sperm extraction (Micro-TESE), a state-of-the-art microsurgical technique to remove sperm directly from the testis. By pinpointing the tissue removed, this technique minimises any damage to the testis and increases the probability of finding sperm cells by 70%. Clinic EGV is the only reproduction clinic in the Baltics to have a microscope with the necessary high magnification to perform this procedure.

How is Micro-TESE performed?

The Center of Andrology at Clinic EGV is led by two world-class professionals, Dr Andris Ābele, a specialist in urology and andrology and Dr Kirils Ivanovs, an expert in urology, andrology and ultrasonography.

In their own words, “Micro-TESE surgery allows one to detect the undetectable. We open the layers of the testicle gently and delicately and with the aid of a powerful microscope locate the spermatozoa inside. The microscope helps to identify and remove individual sperm cells, because even one sperm cell can be used to fertilise an ova. A man who had no hope of fatherhood in the past, now has a chance. Compared to older techniques, the risk of complications is greatly minimised, reducing the risk to overall reproductive health. Furthermore a patient’s spermatozoa can be used both for immediate fertility treatment and frozen for storage, giving him the opportunity to be the biological father of not just one child, but potentially several.”

Male health checks in Latvia

Clinic EGV’s Center of Andrology is the first health centre in the Baltic States dedicated to men’s health. Adopting a holistic approach to the health issues faced by men, the specialists at the Center offer a full range of services, including consultations on male reproduction, advice for erectile disorders and help when sexually transmitted diseases are suspected. Investigations and treatments available include ultrasonography and dopplerography of the male reproductive organs and the urinary tract, minimally invasive urological surgeries and Micro-TESE for male infertility.

Specialists recommend that men of forty and above have a yearly check-up with an andrology and urology specialist. Symptoms that indicate a need for more immediate medical assistance are urination disorders, bleeding from the urinary tract, discharge from the urinary tract, when sexually transmitted diseases are suspected, atypical growths or pain in the area of reproductive organs, infertility, erectile disorders and other issues that impede sexual life. Advice from an andrology specialist should also be sought in cases of fatigue, depression, increased excitability and nervousness, sleep disorders, muscle and joint pains, decreasing muscle mass, decreased libido and inability to have an orgasm. An andrology specialist can also assess, how lifestyle affects reproductive health.

Clinic EGV is located in Riga, 38 Lāčplēša Street, 5th floor. For more information on Micro-TESE or men’s health services call : + (371) 67 278 183 or email [email protected]

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