

Infertility can be effectively treated for both women and men

Comprehensive treatment of fertility problems for women and men is available in the capital city of Latvia – Riga. Director of Clinic EGV, Gynecologist – Reproductologist Dr. Zane Vitina discusses the latest developments in infertility treatment.

Since 1998 Clinic EGV has helped many couples who have not yet succeeded in becoming parents by applying the most effective methods. “We see patients from all around the world enquiring about the latest technologies and examinations. I am pleased that we can offer all the tests and procedures that could be useful and helpful, such as genetic examination of embryos, “micro TESE” surgeries for men aimed at retrieving sperm from the testicular tubules, egg and sperm donation programmes, as well as other methods that increase IVF efficiency“, explains Dr. Zane Vitina.

Clinic EGV provides the largest bank of donor sperm in Latvia, as well as an egg bank. The latest technologies provide the possibility to freeze eggs and use them later. The clinic has implemented vitrification of eggs and embryos, allowing the preservation of vital processes for a larger number of eggs or embryos. Genetic examination of embryos – both screening and diagnostics – is also available. Use of the most up-to-date technologies allows genetic testing of three or five day embryos without disturbing the development of the foetus. The clinic also offers genetic tests that were previously less common and available such as the endometrial receptivity test ERA, which is suitable for couples who have had multiple unsuccessful attempts to conceive with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Clinic EGV puts an emphasis on men’s fertility, as 50% of infertility cases have their roots in men’s health. Having established the first Andrology Center in Latvia, the team offers help to men with azoospermia who want to become fathers.

Findings of the latest studies of the quality of men’s sperm, performed by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, suggest that the quality of sperm in Europe has declined 52.4 percent during the last 40 years. This means that, nowadays, an increasing number of couples require the help of andrologist and reproductologist to be able to have a child in their family. An increasing number of men are encountering the seemingly unsolved problem of not having a single spermatozoid in their semen, leading to a couple not being able to have a baby. With this in mind, the newly opened Andrology Center performs unique micro TESE surgery designed to obtain spermatozoids directly from a man’s testicles that can then be used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) for couples.

The Director of Clinic EGV, Gynecologist – Reproductologist Zane Vitina is pleased that Clinic EGV offers this unique surgery: “Until now Latvia did not have a clinic for solving this specific issue of men’s infertility simultaneously with the efficient treatment of women’s problems. Offering high quality comprehensive help for men to regain and maintain virile health, the Andrology Center expands the services of Clinic EGV to provide local and overseas patients with consultations from highly qualified experts, minimally invasive surgeries and micro-surgical operations.”

In the new Andrology Center you can receive consultations regarding men’s fertility issues. For example, erectile problems and suspicion about sexually transmitted diseases. Experts perform ultrasound and dopplerography examinations of men’s genitals (including prostate, testicles and penis) and urinary tract, as well as minimally invasive urological surgeries and surgical treatment of men’s infertility – TESE, PESA, micro TESE, MESA. Surgical treatment of male infertility is performed using the latest generation surgery microscope manufactured in Germany and provides the best resolution for this kind of operation.

“I am satisfied that the efficiency of the infertility experts at Clinic EGV is higher than on average in Europe – more than half of the first time in vitro fertilizations (IVF) performed last year at Clinic EGV were successful – resulting in pregnancy,”  Dr. Z.Vitina is happy to acknowledge.

Clinic EGV is located in Riga, 38 Lāčplēša Street 5th floor. You can make an appointment with the doctor by calling: + 371 67 278 183 or + 371 29563 191 or sending an e-mail: [email protected]

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