Infertility clinic in Girona, Spain

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Girexx is a modern fertility clinic in Girona, Spain. They use the very latest developments and techniques available to provide childless couples with treatments and services such as EMBRYOSCOPE, IMSI (intra-cytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection), egg donation, in vitro fertilisation (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Egg vitrification, frozen embryo transfer, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and artificial insemination.

Infertility treatments and service

GIREXX international department attends to foreign patients so you will be able to use your own language throughout the treatment.

There is no waiting list and all the treatment is concentrated into 2 appointments in order to make the whole process as simple as possible by avoiding unnecessary visits to the clinic.


The most advanced incubator , a time-lapsed system to observe embryo development in a very stable culture conditions. The camera/microscope takes an image of the embryos every 10 minutes, the embryos cell division are registered 24 hours a day, so more information is available to perform a better selection of the embryos with a higher potential.

Recent studies documented an increase of more than 20% in pregnancy rate in comparision with the traditional incubators.

Egg donation

When the cause of infertility is a lack of quality of eggs or the inability to obtain them, the only way to achieve pregnancy is egg donation. It is the technique with the highest rate of success ( more than 60% of pregnancy rate )

At Girexx there is no waiting list, and a accurate matching with medical screened egg donor is always performed.

IMSI (intra-cytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection)

IMSI is a pioneering technique performed regularly in very few centres worldwide. Up to now, the embryologist selected spermatozoa for intracitoplasmatic injection only by observing their shape and mobility. IMSI, through its digitalised amplification capacity (the size of the spermatozoon is amplified 10,000 times), provides a much more detailed image of the shape of the spermatozoa and of their nucleus morphology . By doing this, a better sperm selection can be carried out so that those that are used for the intracitoplasmatic injection are potentially better to generate good quality viable embryos.

A number of studies suggest that the pregnancy rate increase and the miscarriage risk is reduced when sperm are selected with IMSI.

In vitro fertilization (IVF and ICSI)

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is indicated in couples with various causes of sterility: endometriosis, fallopian tube obstruction, male factors, AIH treatment failures, age factors or sterility of unknown origin.

The IVF process has several stages:

  • Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries
  • Follicular puncture
  • Insemination ( conventional – ICSI – IMSI )
  • Embryo culture
  • Embryo transfer

The Embryos that are not used are frozen for future use in case there is no pregnancy, or to provide you with a second pregnancy ( Frozen embryo transfer ).

Embryo donation

This technique is used in those patients whose cause of infertility is due to not being able to obtain viable embryos themselves. They receive frozen embryos from couples who have undergone IVF and have authorised the donation because they have satisfied their own needs.

Artificial insemination (CAI)

The objective of this technique is to increase to the chances of pregnancy by stimulating the menstrual cycle and improving the characteristics of the semen which is processed in the laboratory in order to select the best quality spermatozoa, which is deposited in the uterine cavity.

Artificial insemination by donor (AID)

This is similar to CAI, differing by use of a sample of frozen semen from the sperm bank. The sperm can is processed in the laboratory in order to select the best quality spermatozoa, which is deposited in the uterine cavity. This technique is ideal for:

  • Cases of severe male factors
  • Single women
  • Women with female partners

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is a technique that, in combination with in vitro fertilisation, allows diagnosis of genetic diseases or chromosomal imbalances in embryos before transfer.

After undergoing IVF, PGD is performed a biopsy on the embryo when it is between 7 and 8 cells. A cell is removed and analyzed to determine whether or not it possesses the genetic alteration that is being sought.


Liability insurance: No



Heroines de Santa Barbara, 6



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