IVF Riga
Infertility clinic in Riga, Latvia

4.80 out of 5 (2 reviews )


iVF Riga is a first-choice clinic for infertility treatment and reproductive genetics. It is headed by Violeta Fodina, a renowned expert in the field of reproduction. iVF Riga clinic offers a unique centre for reproductive genetics as well as the first official and the largest bank of genetic material in the Baltic countries.

Even if you are faced with the problem of infertility, do not despair. Thanks to properly selected treatment, individual approach and the latest technology, it is possible to overcome the disease with the first cycles of treatment. The following methods of infertility diagnosis and treatment are available at iVF Riga clinic for couples and women under the age of 50:

  • IUI (intrauterine insemination, which is used in the case of minor sperm abnormalities)
  • IVF (in vitro fertilization, which is used in the case of endometriosis, minor deviations in the semen or unexplained infertility)
  • ISCI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection into an egg, which is used in severe cases of male infertility)

Male infertility

According to statistics, one in every six couples is faced with infertility. Traditionally, a childless family is associated with problems related to the woman’s reproductive health. The latest data, however, can refute this view. The share of male infertility accounts for 40% of infertile marriages, and this figure is growing steadily. iVF Riga is a clinic for infertility treatment and reproductive genetics where male patients can undergo a complete check-up and consult a urologist/andrologist. The treatment of male infertility includes:

  • Consultation by a physician specializing in urology and andrology
  • PICSI (selection of a sperm cell capable of fertilization for ICSI procedure)
  • TESA (invasive testicular sperm aspiration by biopsy)
  • Semen analysis/spermogram
  • Test for sperm DNA fragmentation
  • OxiSperm test (helps determine the reason for sperm DNA fragmentation)
  • Sperm function test (helps determine sperm maturity and its ability to fertilize an egg)
  • Molecular testing of AZF locus microdeletions of Y-chromosome (is indicated in case of severe male infertility – oligospermia and azoospermia)

Genetic tests and analysis

In recent years, genetics has become a component part of obstetrics and infertility treatment. Reproductive genetics can answer many questions and explain why the long-awaited pregnancy has not occurred. Genetic screening includes:

  • Consultation by a medical geneticist
  • Karyotyping (a special test for abnormalities in all chromosomes)
  • PGS (preimplantation genetic screening of all chromosomes of the embryo).
  • PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis of all chromosomes of the embryo in case of abnormal parents' karyotype)
  • Non-invasive determination of fetal Rh factor using the mother’s blood (the test is indicated for Rh negative women who have an Rh positive partner, in order to eliminate and avoid complications)
  • Molecular testing for thrombophilia (this testing is indicated for patients with a history of spontaneous abortion, miscarriage and complications with placentation)
  • Molecular testing of AZF regions of Y-chromosome (this genetic testing is indicated for men with azoospermia or oligospermia).

Fertility Preservation

Cryopreservation of reproductive cells and tissues is considered one of the breakthroughs in ART. iVF Riga clinic uses the ultra-fast freezing method – vitrification – to freeze cells and tissues. This method gives a higher percentage of cell and tissue viability after defrosting (98%). Pursuant to the law of the Republic of Latvia, one’s own genetic material can be stored for up to 10 years. Cryopreservation of reproductive cells and tissues is relevant for the following groups of patients:

  • oncologic patients
  • persons who wish to postpone motherhood or fatherhood for social reasons – career development or family status
  • persons who still have embryos left after a treatment cycle

If infertility is caused by the quality of reproductive cells, it is possible to experience the joy of childbirth by choosing a donation programme:

  • egg donation
  • sperm donation
  • embryo donation

Facilities and equipment at iVF Riga Fertility Clinic

iVF Riga clinic has a database with a wide choice of healthy and young egg and sperm donors. Using the donor database, the recipient can choose a donor by phenotypic criteria, blood type and Rh factor, education and interests. According to the law of the Republic of Latvia on anonymity, any personal data of the donors are not accessible. The egg donation, sperm donation or embryo donation programme is available in both the fresh cycle and the frozen cycle.

After winning the battle against infertility, the most exciting time – the pregnancy period – sets in, and it is very importance to take proper care of the development of the baby. Prenatal care at iVF Riga clinic is provided by experienced OB/GYNs who observe the well-being of the future mother and the development of the fetus and offer a range of tests and examinations. The prenatal care programme includes:

  • Prenatal care in high-risk pregnancy (a pregnancy with an increased risk of complications or a risk of death of the fetus, the newborn or the mother before or after delivery)
  • 2D/3D/4D USG monitoring
  • Insertion of cerclage pessaries (this procedure is indicated if there is risk of miscarriage and premature birth)

iVF Riga is a first-choice clinic for treatment of infertility, where you can live out your dream of becoming happy parents!


Liability insurance: Yes
Limit of indemnity: £70000.00


IVF in Riga


iVF Riga  [ PDF 820kb]
IVF Rate card  [ PDF 316kb]



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