Iakentro Thessaloniki
Infertility clinic in Thessaloniki, Greece

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Iakentro infertility centre in Greece has established innovative and specialised assisted reproduction and fertility treatment units in a state-of-the-art medical centre for men and women. Based Athens and Thessaloniki in Greece, and with additional units in Albania and Bulgaria, they specialise in the fields of IVF, maternal-foetal medicine, genetics and molecular biology.

The Iakentro IVF unit was first established in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1998. It provides modern solutions to all infertility problems for both men and women. Alongside their high quality fertility services they have a highly experienced and specialised team of three gynaecologists, embryologists, laboratory technicians, geneticians and molecular biologists.

Greek law on the application of assisted reproduction techniques

Greek legislation regarding medically assisted reproduction is among the most advanced in Europe. It secures and protects couples who wish to conceive covering medical and biological issues and determining bioethical principles. The main concern is that all methods of assisted reproduction are in the best interest of the child to be born.

Infertility treatments available at Iakentro in Greece

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Insemination may be the first step for infertility treatment. The method is simple and affordable. The success rate in homologous insemination reaches 10-15%, while in cases of heterologous insemination, the rate is higher (~25%).

In vitro fertilisation (IVF)

IVF is currently the usual choice of infertility treatment when other, simpler methods of assisted reproduction have been unsuccessful. ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) is a type of IVF with micro-fertilisation. It is indicated in cases of male infertility and may be combined with TESE or FNA (testicular sperm extraction - fine needle aspiration).

Male infertility

The Iakentro andrology unit offers both diagnosis and treatment of male infertility, which may be caused by idiopathic insufficiency of the germinal epithelium; varicocele; infections of auxiliary glands; chromosomal abnormalities.

Egg donation

The Iakentro oocyte donation programme was established in 1989, when they achieved the first pregnancy from oocyte donation in Greece, which resulted in the birth of full-term twins. Read more about egg donation in Greece.

Sperm donation

Sperm donation is the only solution in cases when the treatment of male infertility (IUI, ICSI, FNA, TESE) cannot be applied. Sperm donors, 18-35 years of age, are examined by an Internal Medicine Physician and are subject to a number of laboratory tests. Sperm samples are frozen and are released after a period of 6 months only after the donor is re-examined for transmitted diseases.

Embryo donation

This is indicated for couples where both partners are not able to undergo infertility treatments with their own gametes (oocytes and sperm). Embryos are donated by couples who have successfully completed IVF treatment and donate their excess embryos anonymously.


Gestational surrogacy is for couples with normal oocytes and spermatozoa, where the woman has a non-functional womb or cannot gestate for medical reasons. Two different women are involved in cases of gestational surrogacy. The genetic mother who provides the ovum which is fertilised with the sperm of her partner through IVF, and the surrogate mother, who gestates the embryo and gives birth to the child.

Specialised embryological laboratory techniques

  • Sperm diagram - sperm enrichment
  • Sperm DNA analysis (DNA fragmentation)
  • In vitro maturation (IVM) sperm bank
  • Biochemical embryo assessment (s HLA-g)
  • Assisted hatching
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGS-PGD)
  • Blastocyst embryo transfer
  • Oocyte cryopreservation
  • Embryo cryopreservation - vitrification
  • Ovarian tissue cryopreservation
  • Sperm cryopreservation - sperm bank


Liability insurance: No


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