Dental Unit at St James Hospital
Dental clinic in Sliema, Malta

4.93 out of 5 (14 reviews )


The Dental & Implantology Unit offers an impeccable specialist quality service for dental implants in Malta, for general dental treatment and for cosmetic dentistry. Quality dental treatment, patient safety and the most tangible hygiene standards are amongst their guiding principles. They are committed to dental excellence and provide a warm welcoming atmosphere to all their patients.

The Dental & Implantology Unit opened its doors in May 1999. The Practice is situated within the Saint James Hospital which is ranked amongst the top private healthcare organisations on the Maltese Islands.

Two surgeries were put to immediate use by Mark and Susanna Diacono who had come to live in Malta a year earlier. Within one year the number of staff grew to six and now, a total of seventeen people work within the Unit.

The Unit now has four fully equipped surgeries, a sterilisation room, administration office and staff room. Four senior dental surgeons and one junior dental surgeon work as a team and offer all aspects of specialist dental treatments other than fixed orthodontics. They are supported by five fully qualified surgery assistants, and a team of visiting anaesthetic consultants.

The philosophy within the Unit is patient centric without compromising on quality or time. Patients are not under the care of a single dentist patients are managed by the team and, where appropriate, treated by a different member of the team in order to better cater for their needs. This way, if a patient requires a surgical procedure, he or she is treated by the oral surgeon and if that patient then requires a root filling, the endodontist takes over his or her treatment.

The Dental & Implantology Unit treat all aspects of general and cosmetic dentistry as well as oral surgery and dental implants.

Dental procedures and treatments

Cosmetic dentistry In Malta

Restoring teeth to their natural look is both challenging and rewarding. Within the Dental & Implantology Unit the latest techniques and materials are used to restore teeth. These include porcelain veneers (facings), all ceramic crowns, bonded crowns, bridges (conventional or adhesive), composite restorations and removable prosthetics (dentures).

The Unit's close working relationship with dental technologists ensures that the highest standards of function and aesthetics are achieved.

Dental Implants - Implantology

One of the greatest developments in modern dentistry, implants are titanium screws which are gently placed into the jaw bone to replace the roots of absent teeth. The bone heals around the implant fusing with it in a process termed osseointegration.

This versatile treatment may be used to replace absent single or multiple teeth as well as the complete dentition. The options available are vast and each patient may be offered a variety of treatments. The main implants used at the Dental & Implantology Unit are produced by Nobel Biocare AB (Sweden).

Root canal treatment

This involves the cleaning, shaping and filling of a tooth nerve chamber and roots. The Dental and Impantology Unit make use of recent developments that have dramatically improved the long-term success rate of root fillings.

Oral surgery

Procedures such as removal of wisdom teeth, buried roots, cysts or apicectomies are undertaken by a specialist in oral surgery under local anaesthesia, with or without the use of intravenous sedation. The Unit has a dedicated set up for oral surgery procedures requiring sedation.

It is also possible to have the same surgery performed under general anaesthesia within the main hospital theatres. Advanced procedures (such as fractures, bone grafting for implants, tumours) are also treated, whilst complex cases are managed by a team of head and neck surgeons.

Preventive dentistry

Probably the most important aspect of dentistry, prevention is mainly patient education, so appointments within the Unit are not rushed to allow the specialist dental surgeon to discuss preventive techniques. These include oral health screening, oral hygiene instruction, fissure sealants, preventive restoration and mouth guards for sports.


Gum disease may result in the early loss of otherwise healthy teeth. Its detection, treatment and monitoring halts the disease and it may be possible to reverse the bone loss by use of specialised techniques (Guided Tissue Regeneration).

Children's dentistry

Deciduous (milk) teeth are very important as they help guide facial growth. Early loss of baby teeth may cause significant problems with the adult dentition so it is important to look after them properly.

Our resident specialist in Childrens Dentistry treats the majority of the children within the Unit. Preventative procedures, diet analysis, fillings, root fillings, minor orthodontics are some of the procedures offered.

Treatment of phobic patients - sedation

The Unit is able to offer treatment under intravenous sedation and is fully equipped to perform this treatment in a safe hospital environment. Surgical procedures such as implant surgery, bone grafting and extractions are commonly performed using sedation, however it is also very useful to manage patients who are frightened of routine dental treatment. With the help of a team of four visiting anaesthetic consultants the Unit performs about two hundred sedation cases per year.


Liability insurance: No



St James Hospital
George Borg Olivier Street


SLM 1807

Main phone

