What outcome can you expect?

It is important to understand and be realistic about the possible outcome of any treatment, especially dental work and cosmetic surgery. Setting your expectations too high, or expecting unrealistic results will only end in disappointment.

There are no guarantees regarding the result of any surgical or dental procedure, and you will be made aware of the risks and possible complications of the procedure before you start, and will be asked to sign a consent form to say that you accept these risks.

Nevertheless, you should still look for a financial guarantee that, if anything does go wrong, the surgeon or clinic will put things right without any additional costs.

Get it in writing

You should get a full written contract, and you should study this carefully and make sure you understand exactly what you are agreeing to, including:

  • The services to be provided and the agreed price.
  • What happens if something goes wrong?
  • What happens if you change your mind?
  • What happens if your operation is cancelled or rescheduled?

It is always best to be clear about issues like these beforehand, rather than argue about them afterwards. If there is anything you are not sure about in your contract, you should get expert advice before you sign.

What if something goes wrong?

If you travel abroad for medical treatment, any problems or disputes will be covered by the local laws, and you may need to take any legal action in the courts of that country, rather than in the UK. This can be very costly and complex. The standards of legal protection for visiting patients varies from country to country, so if you are concerned about this issue, you should research the legal situation before you make your choice.