New Zealand
Country profile

Why choose New Zealand for treatment

Tourism is constantly growing and in recent years international medical patients have been travelling to New Zealand to take advantage of competitively priced private medical treatments in the country's leading private hospitals. New Zealand has a well advanced medical profession with highly skilled doctors and surgeons, often training in the US, Australia or Europe. International patients can take advantage of an extensive range of surgical operations and medical procedures, like CT and MRI scans, infertility treatment, elective, as well as cosmetic surgery.

The country's small population (approximately four million) means a smaller economy and a favourable exchange rate enables first class surgery and treatments to be available at lower prices.  New Zealand has a well run public health system and its private hospitals are available for patients for non-acute treatments and procedures done privately (through private health insurance, or self-payment).

Private healthcare prices are good in New Zealand, with many medical tourism agencies and private hospitals offering surgery packages (medical holidays) including flights, treatment, aftercare and accommodation.

New Zealand has mild temperatures and the average temperature drops the further south you travel. The north of New Zealand is subtropical and the south is more temperate. The islands experience a fair bit of rain but also plenty of sunshine and the weather can change quickly due to cold fronts or tropical cyclones. The warmest months are December, January and February, and the coldest June, July and August. Average maximum temperatures in summer range between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius and in winter between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius.

English is the national language but many place names are Maori inspired and Te Reo Maori is New Zealand's second official language. In short, New Zealand offers great value medical holidays in a stunning environment.

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Reasons to choose New Zealand

  • One of the best healthcare systems in the world
  • Prices 30% less than the United States
  • Wide range of treatment including fertility
  • Hospitals have cutting edge medical equipment
  • English speaking staff
  • Incredible scenery famous worldwide