A guide to infertility treatment abroad

The Treatment Abroad guide to infertility treatment abroad aims to give you information about IVF and other types of infertility treatment.  It explains what you should consider, where to go, and how to choose a clinic.  You’ll also find helpful information about comparing costs and the practicalities of going abroad for treatment.  For further information you can also view the Frequently Asked Questions on our sister site, Fertility Treatment Abroad.

Due to the high cost of private infertility treatment in the UK, and the difficulty of getting timely infertility treatment through the NHS, many couples are now considering going abroad for treatment. Private fertility treatment can be available, immediately, and at a significantly lower price if couples are prepared to travel for it.

There are a growing number of destinations for would-be parents to consider. Countries such as Turkey and India have long been known for their expertise in IVF and ART and offer private treatment at very competitive prices, even with the added price of air fares and hotels. A number of countries, including Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, the Czech Republic and exotic destinations like Barbados are increasingly advertising their expertise in ‘reproductive tourism’ and helping couples to realise their dream of parenthood.